Louwrien Wijers and Egon Hanfstingl, Learn Tomorrow’s Language. Unique Five Day Intensive

Louwrien Wijers about Learn Tomorrow’s Language:

We listen to what the artists, scientists, spiritual leaders and economists have stated in the Stedelijk Museum. We cook and eat fresh foods that gives a more subtle consciousness. The rhythm of the days is strict. We start at 7 in the morning and keep going until 8 at night. We sit silently together mornings and evenings but speak our mind. We learn all about sattvic food that is pure, essential, natural, vital and true. Yet, at any time this is what may happen: a big, loud plane flies over our heads, ready to land on Schiphol Airport. That is when we can test our concentration, our ability to give all mental energy to the object under examination and remain untouched. Did you know that most psychological problems arise from lack of attention in which we let some outside force rule us. This is called the Sixth Limb of Yoga.

So, Tomorrow’s Language is about yoga too and about meditation and the view of emptiness. It is all there. We concentrate on: ‘We live in language. Language is not just a tool but is the domain which makes us human. It is not that we learn language, it is more that language teaches us. Man is made by language,’ as neuroscientist Francisco Varela said in the 1990.

We learn tomorrow’s words. Towards the end of each day, every participant shares the words and insights picked up that day by listening to the panelists. At the very end of the five days during a festive meeting, each of them brings a selection of words and insights to an audience of specially invited guests, eager to hear the language that you find fits our future. It is good to investigate, cultivate and learn to speak tomorrow’s language. Only new words can bring a new life, a new society, ‘a new social sculpture’ as Joseph Beuys would call it.

So far we suggested to follow the whole Five Day Intensive, but many requested to come for one or two days only. Find the day(s) you would like to attend in this display. Choose Panel 1, or Panel 2, 3, 4 or 5. All artists are contemporary, the scientists are of the Chaotic Worldview, the spiritual leaders are future geared, all economists support the ‘compassionate economy’.            

So far the hard-core participants who will be there for five days are: Eloise Sweetman, Jason Hendrik Hansma, Marieke Ploeg, Constanze Schreiber, Cadine Navarro, Vika Ushkanova and Maria Gil Ulldemolins. Cathalijne Smulders and Masha Ru join a day. Secure your place.

Junsheng Zhou and Egon Hanfstingl will guide the food preparation:

‘Calmness and creativity are our basic nature. As soon as we can see these qualities in our fellow human beings, in animals and nature the view of ‘Everybody an artist’ becomes truth.’

“In the Indian tradition of Ayurveda the first step in healing is food. That counts for the body and the mind. To help cure the mind from dualistic projecting a soothing sattvic diet is recommended. So we cook sattvic food and are mindful while preparing the food.”

“We have learned from the quantum scientist David Bohm that the viewer is influencing the experiment. Likewise, the motivation and mindfulness we have while cooking is influencing the subtle qualities of the food. While cooking, we try to be absorbed in what we do.”


Louwrien Wijers (NL, 1941), a visual artist and writer, feels she is a sculptor. After an 18-year collaboration with Joseph Beuys (1968-86), she has come to view writing, speaking and thinking as sculptures too. She held a marathon interview with Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol and the Dalai Lama. This resulted in  ‘Art meets Science and Spirituality in a Changing Economy.’

www.louwrienwijers.nl / www.tomorrowslanguage.nl

Egon Hanfstingl (DE, 1960), a chef and artist, works with food for a broader insight. In 1986 he started a collaboration with Louwrien Wijers, first of all to realize ‘Art meets Science and Spirituality in a Changing Economy.’  He developed his ‘Everybody is an Artist’ Food Workshop in 2016, which he will also be hosting in Cure Park.

The retreat takes place from 5-9 July. The retreat is limited to 16 participants, please sign up at learn@tomorrowslanguage.nl. To ensure your bed, register before 12 June 2017. Participation fee is 175 euros per person for the full Five Day Intensive. To bring your own tent or camper go to: campingamsterdamsebos.nl.

On Sunday 9 July at 5 pm the participants are invited to talk about their insights during a festive public meeting. Participants ao: Cadine Navarro, Maria Gil Ulldemolins, Marieke Ploeg, Constanze Schreiber, Eloise Sweetman, Jason Hendrik Hansma, Jungshen Zhou, Masha Ru, Cathalijne Smulders, Vika Ushkanova, Folke Janssen

This project will be on location 8 on the map